.. [ for pc users ] ..


If anybody has a working script that will spam F6 constantly, please, let me know.  The person I was trying to get to help me make sure this works was fully incapable of communication.  So I'm in the dark as I can't get any mac software to work with my hardware.  Apparently they're still crazy isolated to certain hardware.  Imagine that? Macs aren't compatable with things?  NOWAI!?!?!?!

01 . I fucking hate apple's trash, so be glad I'm making this.  I like humans.  Even if they use shit I can't fathom anyone overlooking faults in to be happy with.  Ok, this isn't actually number 1.

01 . Open Script Editor.

02 . Paste this script into it:

repeat 9999999999999999 times
tell application "System Events"
tell application "World of Warcraft" to activate
key code 97
end tell
delay .5
end repeat

03 . Save.  Pick "Application" under "File Format."  Know where you're saving it.

04 . Go to WoW screen.  Hit Shift+6. 

05 . Hit Escape - Go to Key Bindings.  Scroll down to "BottomLeft Action Button 12"

06 . Click that.  Hit F6. Take not to see if it unbinds anything you actually use.  If it does, write it down so you can find another place for that later. 

07 . Hit escape to return to Game Menu.  Click "Macros"

08 . Choose what class you are:  (Will open another window/tab) -
Warlock . Shaman . Warrior . Priest . Hunter . Death Knight . Rogue . Druid . Mage . Monk . Paladin

09 . Copy the "Kill Macro" - paste that into a new macro in your WoW window.

10 . Drag the macro you just made to the 6 key on the bar.

11 . Run the applescript you made.


If you want to make sure this is working properly, drag any ability to the 6th spot on shift+6's bar.  This WILL keep you connected.  Even though it does show you go AFK.  It will set you to AFK but will not disconnect you.  You do not need to move at all to actually stay connected - that has never been the case.  Any automation that makes you turn a little every so often or jump every so often does 1 extra thing for you: paints a kick-me sign on you for GMs to have to respond to fuck knows how many tickets about botting.  Avoid that all together. Use macro spamming.

And if you feel bad for any sort of automation that might tag something and want to try to be more legit, feel free to only use the targeting section of the macro.  I don't blame you - I used to feel bad doing that too.  Used to.  I was corrupted.

- Ponderance